Saturday, June 6, 2009

The 2009 Story - "Tuda I Abratna"

Exhibition runs until the 29th June.

Now here is a story for you all.

Once upon a time a young and courageous Genetic Councilor took a trip through the freezing Russian countryside on the Trans-Mongolian railway line. She did a round trip or as the Russians would say “Tuda I Abratna”.
After leaving home to travel on her whimsical way she met Elephant and Pumpkin Stalk Man. Venturing into lands unknown to most Genetic Councilors she found herself in very unfamiliar territory. As she traveled, this lovely 25 year old opened herself up to different possibilities and ways of living, crossing paths with characters that you would never normally meet.

The Councilor, the Elephant, The Pumpkin Stalk Man and others she met along the way were bombarded with new experiences – some seemed terrifying encounters, some invigorating. Such diverse fantastical fun! Sheer adventure.

So what does One do once One experiences suchness? Well the Monkey asked this question.

Well One comes home. Of course One cannot stay in Mongolia too long. But One cannot come home alone. So One brings home the Pumpkin Stalk Man, the Elephant…….as One does. And then she introduces them to the Monkey.

Genetic Councilors may very well be quite strange and wonderfully weird characters themselves. This one is normal to look at, sweet natured, and somewhat but possibly unusually artistically advanced. She can create fanciful narrative and illustration as well as understand complex medical information as well as combine scientific knowledge with counseling. As One does. Or that One anyway……..

Well the Monkey loves the Pumpkin Stalk Man. Like really loves him. He is visiting for 2 weeks starting on June 17th and you must come meet him too – and the Elephant and the Genetic Councilor.
He’ll be living in our window until June 29th – and you can see illustrations of this strange and wonderful groups travel memories and read the narrative of their adventures in The Cracked Gallery over that time.

Come visit. Then quickly visit your travel agent and book for Mongolia. As One should.
Love from The Monkey.

1 comment:

rizlablue said...

Having watched the Genetic Counsellor's art and story-telling develop from a very early age, I'm thrilled that the monkey enjoys it and has found her worthy. Good luck for Wednesday, Sarah! I'm sorry I won't be there, but will definitely make it up to see the exhibition while it's there xxxxxx Mum